
Resident Evil: Judgement Ch.1

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PrinceRoy1990's avatar

Literature Text

Resident Evil: The Judgement Chronicles

The characters and events in this work are fictitious. Any similarities to real events or people, living or dead, is purely coincidental.

Chapter 1:

Koden checked the bags of his vest, trying hard not to forget anything that could be important later on. It was hard to stay concentrated concerning the mission that he and his team were going to face. “Olympia, packed enough herbs?” he asked the medic officer of his team through his headset, while reloading his shotgun. “It should be enough…even though I still don`t really know what will await us.” The medic replied while watching her comrades who sat with her in the helicopter. “None of us know.” The boy on the opposite seat said as he checked the barrel of his machinegun. “Roy is right. The information regarding our mission is very brief.” The fourth member of the team confirmed, with the laptop on her knees. Her name was Concetta, the technical specialist, and she was browsing through the files of the missions briefing again, summing up what they already knew. “In the last 24 hours, all contact with the final destination has been lost. Every satellite that’s aiming on the area is blocked, and we have received no signal from the people who are living there either….To say it bluntly, we are human guinea pigs to be the government’s eyes.”
The helicopter pilot gave Koden a call over his headset, giving him the information that they had reached the jumping-off point, and that the tests about a possible nuclear outbreak were negative. Noticing that Koden gave the pilot a thumbs up, Roy stood up and checked his equipment one last time. They had been in training together for quite a while, but this was their first real mission. Concetta also packed her laptop and positioned herself next to Roy, while Olympia and Koden opened the helicopter’s door to get ready. The four of them attached the steel ropes to their belts with a metallic sound, and then Koden gave the jump-order. “Let`s go!”. The others nodded in unison and jumped backwards out of the helicopter.

At the same time, two girls clothed in white coats pinned their eyes on a plasma screen, which was the only source of light in the laboratory room. Small blue organisms jumped over the screen and tried to swallow the bigger colonies, which were coloured in a dark vine red….in vain. “Gah, that can`t be! We tried like everything to stop the mutating process!” The brunette exclaimed, scuffling her hair. “Shut up DoOp, I’m trying to think!” The workmate replied while massaging her temples. “Sure Kage, it just sounds like we haven`t been doing ANYTHING in the past hours.” DoOp replied annoyed and added “…. I need a coffee..” With these words, she jumped off from her chair and walked towards the door. “Light please!” She heard Kage’s voice in the background and so she did what she was told. After DoOp pushed the buttons at the panel to lighten the room, the automatic door in front of her opened itself, revealing a rather tall grown man with dark hair. DoOp walked past him and waved her hand in a dismissive manner “It`s useless, we haven`t got anything yet.” Ignoring DoOp’s comment, the guy, who was wearing a leather jacket, entered the room, made his way to Kage and asked “Is she just stressed out again, or was she really telling the truth ?” Kage turned her head in a reflex. She was so occupied with her work that she didn`t even realize that she had company again. “Oh, it’s you Ken” she let out with a low voice. Rising from her chair, the girl began to walk back and forth, explaining their hopeless situation. “Sadly she is right.. we tried all kinds of different bioactive compounds between the sample of the anti-serum, but nothing seems to work, this whole thing-” But in the second she raised her hand to express the true meaning of the ‘whole thing’ she accidentally hit two test tubes from the desk, which were filled with their latest results they had been watching on the screen. “NO!” she shrieked, as the glass shattered on the ground and the liquids spread over the floor. Ken facepalmed at the scene, witnessing the confused operator cleaning the mess as fast as she could. “She may be clumsy, just like the other one… but nonetheless, both of them are brilliant” Ken thought to himself as his eyes trailed over the screen, which was showing a negative result and said to himself “Most of the time at least...”

The team of soldiers had secured their landing area by now, and were prepared to head off to the city. Because nobody had a clue what was going on in there, they couldn`t use the helicopter to enter the city right away. A military helicopter would obviously cause some sensation, and would be an easy target on top of that. “Shiro, can you read me?” Koden called him with a glance at the helicopter, which was floating over their heads. “Loud and clear.” the pilot’s voice replied. “We are heading off now, stay away from the city and keep an eye on your radio until we get some information.” “Understood.” Then the machine turned off and started its patrol. “It won`t be an easy trip. After we pass that hilly area in front of us, there comes woodland until we reach the city.” Roy said, pointing into the direction where the city lies. “It’s easy to walk right into an ambush.-.” Cetta said worriedly. “Let’s just get going, we don`t know for sure if there’s any danger at all.” Olympia replied with a secure voice and walked off into the lead. Cetta shook her head and shrugged “I wish I had your optimism.” and followed her. Koden and Roy looked at each other and both weren`t sure if it’s really the best to get into this with being prepared for the worst or rather a facile optimism. They decided to follow the two girls without a word.
At that time, none of them knew that their arrival has been spotted from a far distance through the scope of a sniper rifle.

Meanwhile in the third floor of an apartment house, a girl was walking back and forth. She couldn`t sit still because the nervousity was killing her. By now she had already given up on trying to spot something through the windows. The only thing she could see was a few crashed cars that had already burned out on the street. That wasn`t something that bothered her. The fact that she hasn`t seen any people for the past hours on a busy street like that, that’s what really was bothering her, especially after that massive chaos that occurred last night. She had seen nothing at all though because she was told to hide herself in that apartment that wasn`t even hers. “Diana, please...” The girl fell out of her thoughts and stopped pacing as her friend called her from the couch he sat on. “Sorry Kenny...” she replied with a low voice. “I just can`t stand still, not after everything that happened... And David still didn`t show up, he said he would be back in no time...” Kenny leaned backwards and said “It won`t get any better if you make yourself even more nervous than you already are… look at me, I`m trying to stay calm too.” Diana looked at him with a kind smile “Yeah, you are probably right...” Then the sound of somebody knocking at the door could be heard and both of them winced. After Diana caught her breath again, she ran straight to the door and whispered “David?” “Yeah, it’s me.” Hearing his voice, Diana unlocked the door and opened it to let him in. David, a dark skinned guy who was wearing a long black coat, brought a carton with food and placed it on the table. “Here, that should be enough for a few days.” “For a few days?!” Kenny yelled with an angrier voice than he actually wanted to use. “I.. I mean, yeah I`m glad that you brought us to this hideout and even bring us groceries, but what is actually happening out there ? And more importantly, how do you know exactly what to do? Why do you tell us to stay locked in here while you walk around freely?” Kenny had these questions on his mind for a while now and just couldn`t bear them anymore. Diana closed the door and tried to settle the tension again. “Kenny, don`t be like that, he is just helping us, we should be grateful.” David glared at Kenny, but he managed to have a rather kind look on his face. “I`m sorry that I can`t answer your questions, because I don`t know any more than the two of you. I haven`t seen anyone outside either and I brought you both into this empty apartment house for safety  because the riots started earlier in other parts of the city than they did here.” David explained his actions with a calm voice, as he didn`t move his eyes away from Kenny, who seemed to become smaller on the couch with every word that David spoke. Before Kenny or Diana could say anything else, David turned around to face the door again. “Like I said before, just stay inside this apartment house and don`t go outside…. I`ll come back later if I find out anything.” As he opened the door, Diana made a step towards him, but she realized that she couldn`t say anything to stop him, so all she said was “… take care.” and closed the door after he left the room.
After the door was shut, Kenny found his words again “Diana-” “Don`t say a word, Kenny.” she interrupted his sentence. “I know that you don`t trust him, you told me more than once. But still, he’s a friend of mine, and I do trust him.” Kenny sighed at her words. “Can`t you see how suspicious he seems? You’ve only known him for nearly two months!” Trying hard not to become angry, Diana replied to him, again with her sincere voice “I won`t discuss this with you again. Kenny, you are my friend, and so is he. Of course I also want to know what’s going on out there, but all we can do is wait for David to find out about it. As long as there isn`t the slightest doubt for a reason that he isn`t what he pretends to be, I will trust him. No matter what.” Then she took the carton and carried it into the kitchen, leaving Kenny sitting in the living room.

David walked out of the apartment house, closing the main entrance behind him and locked it with a huge iron chain. Then his eyes traveled over the windows of the ground floor, which all were nailed up. Seeing that everything was secure, he made his way to his car, which was parked around the block. He reached for the sunglasses in his jacket and put them on, when suddenly his cellphone started ringing. He quickly grabbed a hold of it. Without checking the display, he accepted the call. “Damn, that was close, I told you that I would call you when I`m done here.” “I`m sorry, but a problem has occurred.” David recognized Ken’s familiar voice and replied “What kind of problem?” as he pulled out the car keys of his blue-metallic Lexus. “I just got a call from Ryan, we have some rats.”

To be continued…
Yay for JChat, because every single character represents a friend of mine =D

Alright, this is it. The idea stroke me after I played RE: The Darkside Chronicles. Its the first time I`m writing a fanfiction so don`t flame me xD

I am really curious on your reactions how I captured you in your character =D

Don`t worry if you haven`t shown up yet, I got plans for almost all of you ^^ If you have any ideas or wishes, please contact me and I try to put them in.

Have fun!

Thanks to Koden's awesome proofreading! =D
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General-Loki's avatar
I'm a scientist. 'w'
I want a lab coat and crazy goggles please!